Tag - South Africa

The Price of Freedom

Life Story

The Price of Freedom "Freedom always comes with a price." -  C.S. Lewis When I decided to leave the Watchtower organisation a year ago, I underestimated just how deeply the consequences of my actions would affect every aspect of…

Mandela’s Brush With Watchtower


MANDELA’S BRUSH WITH WATCHTOWER Today marks the third anniversary since the death of global icon, former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Incidentally, this day also marks the 60th anniversary of his two-week arrest, under the apartheid regime,…

One Year Out of Watchtower


ONE YEAR OUT OF WATCHTOWER Today is approximately one year since the ‘death’ of our favourite son. Oye oye oye. Last year on this day (September 20, 2015) was a seminal moment for me; this was the day…